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Second Thomas Shoal

US Admiral: US escorts for Philippine ships 'reasonable'

Manila's tensions with China are bad enough without Washington's intrusion in the South China Sea skirmishes


U.S. INDOPACOM commander Admiral Samuel Paparo’s comments on U.S. escorts of Philippine vessels on resupply missions being “entirely reasonable” has taken the jostling in the South China Sea up a notch.

Such missions to a Philippine military position on a beached ship on the Second Thomas Shoal, which China also claims, have drawn coercive responses from Beijing. An egregious example was the serious clash on June 17, during which Chinese coast guard personnel brandished weapons and forcibly boarded Philippine craft.

The latest incidents are however expanding to new sites — most prominently Sabina Shoal, located even closer to Philippines’ shoreline than the Second Thomas Shoal. These have involved blocking and multiple cases of ramming.

Provocative as Chinese behavior is, it is questionable if deeper involvement of the U.S. Navy is the answer. Direct insertion of U.S. troops between the sparring parties would up the ante and dare China to confront the U.S. directly. It would transform the current lower-level incidents into potentially a direct clash between two great powers. The risk-to-reward ratio from the standpoint of U.S. vital interests, not to mention regional stability, does not seem to merit such a step, especially when the jostling is over mere specks in the ocean. This is especially true as some of Washington’s policies are themselves contributing to the escalation. Besides, Manila too has demurred on any such escorts (but has indicated that they are not ruled out in the future.)

Admiral Paparo also mentioned the escorts “in the context of consultations,” a reference to Articles III and V of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT), which calls for such consultations and indicates invocation in case of “armed attack” on one of the parties. Manila itself has stated, in comments soon after the June 17 clash, that Chinese provocations do not rise to the level of “armed attack” thus far. President Marcos meanwhile drew a red line for the MDT’s invocation as the death of even a single Filipino during his remarks at this year’s Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore. Fortunately, we are not there yet.

Whichever way one slices the developments in the South China Sea, it is clear they are incrementally heading toward a military crisis. Avoiding such a crisis by finding a de-escalatory ladder should be the first priority of all three states involved.

A Philippine flag flutters from BRP Sierra Madre, a dilapidated Philippine Navy ship that has been aground since 1999 and became a Philippine military detachment on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, part of the Spratly Islands, in the South China Sea March 29, 2014. REUTERS/Erik De Castro

China United Staes

TSViPhoto via

House passes $1.6 billion to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas


Since at least 2016, foreign interference in American elections and civil society have become central to American political discourse. The issue is taken extremely seriously by the U.S. government, which has levied sanctions and called out foreign adversaries for sowing “discord and chaos” through their propaganda efforts.

But apparently Washington takes a different view when it comes to American propaganda operations in foreign countries. On Monday, the House passed HR 1157, the “Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund,” by a bipartisan 351-36 majority. This legislation authorizes more than $1.6 billion for the State Department and USAID over the next five years to, among other purposes, subsidize media and civil society sources around the world that counter Chinese “malign influence” globally.

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Is Nigeria using Russia as an excuse for bloody crackdown?


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space weapon

Marko Aliaksandr via

How the US made space more dangerous

Global Crises

The past year has witnessed a growing chorus of alarm in Washington regarding the military utility of space. From the proliferation of space debris to the hastened tempo of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons development by China and Russia, there is a fear that U.S. space assets are held in peril by the threat of direct attack and the destruction of orbital usability. In November of last year, Chief of Space Operations General Chance Saltzman went as far as to designate China’s adoption of ASATs in 2007 as a key moment of inflection in the militarization of space.

These worries have a legitimate basis — scientists have posited that space debris has the potential to render certain orbital clouds such as low earth orbit (LEO) unusable through cascading collisions. ASATs only compound this risk, as even individual tests can generate thousands of pieces of debris. Further, LEO and other orbits are a vital terrain for U.S. military satellites, whose uses range from communication to positioning systems and intelligence collection. This led the Biden administration to adopt a unilateral moratorium on ASAT testing in 2022.

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Election 2024



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