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Military Industrial Complex

space weapon
Global Crises

How the US made space more dangerous

Bush’s withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty led to an anti-satellite weapons proliferation boom

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too
Military Industrial Complex

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too

As Biden cracks down on Russian interference in our elections, a look at what the Pentagon has been doing overseas

artificial intelligence
Military Industrial Complex

Will AI make soldiers obsolete?

As states face more difficulties in recruiting and conscripting, we may be headed for an algorithm-driven revolution in warfare

Biden's 'new' nuclear strategy and the super-fuse that sets it off
Military Industrial Complex

Biden's 'new' nuclear strategy and the super-fuse that sets it off

The military is already upgrading warheads capable of fighting a war with both China and Russia simultaneously

Military Industrial Complex

The last thing we need is a Palantir inspired foreign policy

Peter Thiel's Big Data intel company just bagged a high profile former lawmaker. Just another day in Silicon Valley.

Mike Gallagher
Military Industrial Complex

Ex-Rep.Gallagher psyched to 'leverage my network' for Palantir

The China hawk will be cashing in on public service to work for a major defense contractor