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Diplomacy Watch: Ukraine turns to China as potential mediator

This, days after Beijing brokers agreement on the Palestinian front

US general wants 'Marshall Plan' to counter China in LatAm
Latin America

US general wants 'Marshall Plan' to counter China in LatAm

SOUTHCOM commander raises good questions but should they be coming from the military?

Labour's delusions about UK foreign policy

Labour's delusions about UK foreign policy

A recent essay by new foreign secretary David Lammy left much to be desired about his interpretation of 'progressive realism'

How far can a Putin-Modi hug go?

How far can a Putin-Modi hug go?

Russia and India clearly have an interest in boosting relations. No doubt Washington is keeping a wary eye on it.

Poll: Middle income Global South really likes China

Poll: Middle income Global South really likes China

Not so much among high-earners in other parts of Asia

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Scolding, rebuking, sanctioning is having the opposite effect and the administration seems content with the results