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William Hartung

Military Industrial Complex

The last thing we need is a Palantir inspired foreign policy

Peter Thiel's Big Data intel company just bagged a high profile former lawmaker. Just another day in Silicon Valley.

Who gives 'Three Cheers for the Military-Industrial Complex'?
Military Industrial Complex

Who gives 'Three Cheers for the Military-Industrial Complex'?

Defense industry-funded think tanks like the Hudson Institute, apparently.

Meet the army of lobbyists behind $2 trillion nuclear weapons boost
Military Industrial Complex

Meet the army of lobbyists behind $2 trillion nuclear weapons boost

The 'Sentinel' ICBM is the latest boondoggle to avoid cancellation due to massive industry investment in the right places

Global Crises

There they go again: Heritage pushes new nuclear arms race

The report asserts that its proposals are meant to prevent rather than spark a conflict


DoD finds another $2B accounting 'error' to boost Ukraine aid

It will take more than a little budgetary sleight-of-hand to set the stage for a settlement