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What it means when someone calls you an 'isolationist'
Washington Politics

What it means when someone calls you an 'isolationist'

When war-boosters like Max Boot don’t have a comeback, they turn to smears

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'
Military Industrial Complex

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'

Sorry Ike: it's a bit too dated and no longer the right moniker to describe what we're up against

Why American war and election news coverage is so rotten

Why American war and election news coverage is so rotten

It's not 'conspiratorial' to wonder about corporate control and the lack of options

Is 24/7 protest coverage distracting from the real war, in Gaza?

Is 24/7 protest coverage distracting from the real war, in Gaza?

The media can't seem to handle more than one major story at a time. In this case, it may be a fatal flaw

Media downplays lack of evidence in UNRWA employee scandal

Media downplays lack of evidence in UNRWA employee scandal

Israel's flimsy dossier on the agency's alleged ties to Hamas is fueling calls to de-fund the only major aid pipeline to Palestinians in Gaza today.

The Sunday talk shows on Israel-Gaza: The blob still reigns

The Sunday talk shows on Israel-Gaza: The blob still reigns

Unsurprisingly, numbers show how one-sided and detached America’s elite newsmakers really are.