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Jack Hunter

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance
Washington Politics

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance

Some of the reflexive militarism of Bush-Cheney era is fading and many Republicans are having a hard time with it

Congress moves to make Selective Service automatic
Military Industrial Complex

Congress moves to make Selective Service automatic

Raising the specter of the draft, this NDAA amendment seems ill-timed

Nikki Haley's moral compass
Middle East

Nikki Haley's moral compass

Where was it pointing when she personally signed 'finish them' on artillery shells headed for Gaza?

Is 24/7 protest coverage distracting from the real war, in Gaza?

Is 24/7 protest coverage distracting from the real war, in Gaza?

The media can't seem to handle more than one major story at a time. In this case, it may be a fatal flaw

Lindsey Graham wants to force more Ukrainian men into the draft

Lindsey Graham wants to force more Ukrainian men into the draft

The war-hawking senator said 'we need more people in the line.' But 'we' doesn't mean 'he.'