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Middle East

MBS: No Saudi-Israel normalization until Palestinians get a state

The Kingdom's crown prince throws cold water on Biden’s ‘grand bargain,’ days after Oman does the same

Middle East

Don't be fooled, push for normalization is about US dominance

If it wasn't, Washington would be promoting a 2-state solution, not side deals to make Saudi Arabia and Israel happy

Will Egypt suspend the Camp David Accords?
Middle East

Will Egypt suspend the Camp David Accords?

Experts say the possibility is unlikely, but the potential consequences make it hard to ignore

Iranian-Saudi deal: They didn't do it for love
Middle East

Iranian-Saudi deal: They didn't do it for love

Taking stock after six months: 'The decision to restore relations was made by both sides with cold calculation.'

Middle East

It's a bad idea for Biden to broker Saudi-Israeli normalization

Washington shouldn’t be in the business of trying to bribe one client state for the benefit of another.


Sino-US engagement was never 'normal,' but it wasn't a failure either

Nixon's detente with Beijing 50 years ago, despite lurches between optimism and hostility over the decades, is not unredeemable.