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Ivan Eland

Finding a foreign policy beyond Biden and Trump
Washington Politics

Finding a foreign policy beyond Biden and Trump

There has to be an option that would allow the US to engage and protect its interests without aggressive primacy

Israel can still drag the US into war with Iran
Middle East

Israel can still drag the US into war with Iran

The tit-for-tat has ended for now, but Benjamin Netanyahu has many incentives to continue goading Tehran


Ukraine should never be admitted to NATO

Kyiv is demanding that the alliance give it something to walk away with at Vilnius. Will it succumb?


We need a better China policy. Banning TikTok isn't it.

The real danger is the bipartisan consensus moving the US toward a more hostile relationship with Beijing.

Washington Politics

Now's the time for Congress to touch base with its backbone

The last four years have given us a real-life lesson in presidentialism run amok. It didn't start with Trump but it can end with him.