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Daniel Larison

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence
Global Crises

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence

We don’t need psychoanalysis or self-serving cheerleading about how ‘indispensable’ America is. We need sober advice on how to responsibly back off

Biden should not follow Netanyahu into war with Iran
Middle East

Biden should not follow Netanyahu into war with Iran

The Israeli government appears to want to goad Tehran into a military response to divert attention from the slaughter and famine in Gaza and to trap the U.S. into joining the fight

Hawks pushing for 'axis of evil' reunion tour
Washington Politics

Hawks pushing for 'axis of evil' reunion tour

Lumping US adversaries into a single-headed monster is a paranoid delusion used as to fuel militarism

On air, Biden walks back his own Rafah 'red line' in real time
Middle East

On air, Biden walks back his own Rafah 'red line' in real time

Meanwhile Netanyahu calls his bluff and prepares for an invasion anyway

Victoria Nuland never shook the mantle of ideological meddler
Washington Politics

Victoria Nuland never shook the mantle of ideological meddler

Blurting out 'F-ck the EU' typified her blunt, interventionist style throughout three presidential administrations.