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north korea

South Korea hits back against Putin-Xi defense pact

South Korea hits back against Putin-Xi defense pact

The move may prompt Seoul to give Ukraine more military aid — not less

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful
Washington Politics

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful

A new book falls short by treating nuclear war as an incomprehensible horror, rather than something human beings might do for human reasons

Suddenly, the 'nuclear age' is today
Global Crises

Suddenly, the 'nuclear age' is today

There's an epidemic of loose talk about the use of weapons that could lay waste to the world as we know it

Can China, Japan, and South Korea just get along?

Can China, Japan, and South Korea just get along?

In their first trilateral summit since 2019, the three nation's leaders did not address North Korea or Taiwan. But both were in the room.

It’s time to rethink US military ties with South Korea

It’s time to rethink US military ties with South Korea

Biden’s efforts to ‘Trump-proof’ the relationship will only make America less safe