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US Capitol
Military Industrial Complex

How corporate, foreign influence creeps into Congress

A loophole in a hearing transparency rule allows experts to bypass potential conflict disclosures

$4000 soap dispensers on Air Force planes? Just you wait.
Military Industrial Complex

$4000 soap dispensers on Air Force planes? Just you wait.

Provisions in this year's NDAA would allow military contractors to gouge taxpayers even more

Popular YouTuber discovers how corrupt the Pentagon budget is

Popular YouTuber discovers how corrupt the Pentagon budget is

'The lawmakers get richer if we spend more money on defense'

US military draft sign-ups plunge in 2 years
Military Industrial Complex

US military draft sign-ups plunge in 2 years

As conflicts rage overseas, previously undisclosed data shows a brewing crisis in the Selective Service

Congress to return on a anti-China jag, and more

Congress to return on a anti-China jag, and more

There are mere weeks left in the session and major elections. Don't expect a ton, save for political bluster.

Shame: Afghanistan withdrawal politics miss the point of everything
Washington Politics

Shame: Afghanistan withdrawal politics miss the point of everything

Fixating on final moments is preferable to facing the absolute failure of the war