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Dan Grazier

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'
Military Industrial Complex

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'

Sorry Ike: it's a bit too dated and no longer the right moniker to describe what we're up against

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer
Military Industrial Complex

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer

We were told the Osprey, LCS, and F-35 were cutting edge, but they turned out to be boondoggles and deathtraps

In Red Sea, US Navy paying the price of shipbuilding failures
Military Industrial Complex

In Red Sea, US Navy paying the price of shipbuilding failures

The Littoral Combat Ship was designed with the current crisis in mind, instead it turned into a boondoggle. Here's why.


The Russians probably aren’t too worried about the F-35 fighter

Biden ordered the warplanes to Europe, but a peek at hidden performance tests show they're not ready for any real combat.

Military Industrial Complex

Putting the fox in charge of the DoD hen house

The administration just nominated an industry insider to head the Pentagon's troubled acquisitions department.