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New China port in Peru is about growth, but the sky is not falling

New China port in Peru is about growth, but the sky is not falling

In fact, a rational look at what’s happening economically might inspire a silver lining

Trump shouldn't overestimate US influence on the world stage
Global Crises

Trump shouldn't overestimate US influence on the world stage

A lot has changed since his first term. Let's hope he can recognize that with a better approach this time.

Trump has a mandate to end the Ukraine War

Trump has a mandate to end the Ukraine War

But first we must reject the shibboleths and superstitions that have come to define this conflict

A bucket list for Biden
Military Industrial Complex

A bucket list for Biden

The president has 70 days. He can get a lot done — if he sets his mind and the power of the office to it.

Joe Biden Xi Jinping China United States

Confucius says: Get the definition of US-China ‘competition’ right

Here’s what’s missing in the debate about these two Great Powers in friction


China-India cool things down. What does it really mean?

The two powers have decided to disengage militarily from their shared border —a first step, some say