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If there is a Harris foreign policy do we call it Biden-lite?
Washington Politics

If there is a Harris foreign policy do we call it Biden-lite?

The VP has largely stuck with the president's agenda but there are a few glimmers of hope

Why Trump picking Vance as VP is about US foreign policy
Washington Politics

Why Trump picking Vance as VP is about US foreign policy

The Ohio senator's vision on Ukraine can be the blueprint for a revised GOP orthodoxy

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance
Washington Politics

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance

Some of the reflexive militarism of Bush-Cheney era is fading and many Republicans are having a hard time with it

What will Vance do for Trump's foreign policy?
Washington Politics

What will Vance do for Trump's foreign policy?

The Ohio senator's ideology is hard to nail down as he has vacillated between restraint and interventionism

Where are Trump's possible VPs on foreign policy?
Washington Politics

Where are Trump's possible VPs on foreign policy?

Frontrunners Doug Burgum, JD Vance, and Marco Rubio all bring conflicting views to help shape a future GOP vision

Biden's Gaza policy risks re-election but pleases his wealthiest donors
Washington Politics

Biden's Gaza policy risks re-election but pleases his wealthiest donors

Courting rich pro-Israel supporters at the expense of a significant swath of voters may cost the president in November