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World leaders extend wishes to Trump, condemn violence

World leaders extend wishes to Trump, condemn violence

Assassination attempt on the former president draws some political criticism of the US, too

Forget the old jokes, foreign policy was the real debate horror
Washington Politics

Forget the old jokes, foreign policy was the real debate horror

Two major wars and not a serious or even coherent conversation to be had — we may be in trouble

Trump cabinet hopeful wants the 'Israel model' for US China policy

Trump cabinet hopeful wants the 'Israel model' for US China policy

Robert O'Brien just put forward a template, but its a proven failure

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful
Washington Politics

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful

A new book falls short by treating nuclear war as an incomprehensible horror, rather than something human beings might do for human reasons

Finding a foreign policy beyond Biden and Trump
Washington Politics

Finding a foreign policy beyond Biden and Trump

There has to be an option that would allow the US to engage and protect its interests without aggressive primacy

NATO seeks to ‘Trump proof’ Ukraine aid

NATO seeks to ‘Trump proof’ Ukraine aid

In a new plan announced this week, the alliance wants to make sure there won’t be any attempt to reduce weapons and assistance to the Ukraine war under a new US administration