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DoD finds another $2B accounting 'error' to boost Ukraine aid

It will take more than a little budgetary sleight-of-hand to set the stage for a settlement

By the numbers: US Gaza pier project appears sunk

By the numbers: US Gaza pier project appears sunk

You decide whether it was worth it

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer
Military Industrial Complex

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer

We were told the Osprey, LCS, and F-35 were cutting edge, but they turned out to be boondoggles and deathtraps

Military officials:​ 'Widowmaker' Osprey will fly with a faulty clutch
Military Industrial Complex

Military officials:​ 'Widowmaker' Osprey will fly with a faulty clutch

At a hearing Wednesday, lawmakers said one more fatality under these conditions and the program is 'done.'

Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier
Middle East

Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier

They say food is ‘flowing’ to the people, but data shows the opposite. Pull the curtain down on this theater now.

The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)
Video Section

The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)

Swarming drones promise to be the latest unfulfilled and over-expensive weapons 'revolution' at the Pentagon