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lockheed martin

Wall Street ignores own rules while investing in arms bound for Israel
Military Industrial Complex

Wall Street ignores own rules while investing in arms bound for Israel

Transparency around the weapons industry could reveal some uncomfortable truths

Do venture capitalists want forever war?
Military Industrial Complex

Do venture capitalists want forever war?

These shrewd billionaire investors are jumpstarting today’s rising stars in defense. In a risky business, peace is against their bottom line

Pentagon can't account for 63% of nearly $4 trillion in assets
Military Industrial Complex

Pentagon can't account for 63% of nearly $4 trillion in assets

DOD regularly buys parts and equipment it doesn’t need because it can’t keep track of the parts and equipment it already owns

How the DC Metro is a tool for the military industrial complex
Military Industrial Complex

How the DC Metro is a tool for the military industrial complex

Weapons firms and tech giants skirt rules for ads to win big contracts and influence policymakers.

Arms industry titan poised to sit on Council on Foreign Relations board
Military Industrial Complex

Arms industry titan poised to sit on Council on Foreign Relations board

Lockheed Martin CEO James Taiclet's nomination to this prestigious foreign policy post raises numerous questions.

Military Industrial Complex

Enormous Lockheed stock buybacks and dividends come at expense of taxpayers

The weapons industry giant's CEO announced the news on a call this week — a move that's effectively underwritten by the American public.