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kim jong un

South Korea hits back against Putin-Xi defense pact

South Korea hits back against Putin-Xi defense pact

The move may prompt Seoul to give Ukraine more military aid — not less

Are North Korea's latest threats rhetorical or real?

Are North Korea's latest threats rhetorical or real?

The new year has seen a more belligerent Kim Jong Un than ever — changing the constitution, firing off missiles, even tearing down monuments


Why Trump is right about North Korea

At least he is interested in breaking with the past and facing reality about nukes

White House howling over Putin-Kim Jong Un hug rings hollow

White House howling over Putin-Kim Jong Un hug rings hollow

What did Biden expect after pressuring South Korea to transfer weapons to Ukraine?


Blowing up the de-nuke playbook: Got any better ideas?

Time to move towards making North Korea a responsible nuclear weapons state. The alternative could be much more terrifying.