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iran nuclear deal

If there is a Harris foreign policy do we call it Biden-lite?
Washington Politics

If there is a Harris foreign policy do we call it Biden-lite?

The VP has largely stuck with the president's agenda but there are a few glimmers of hope

Could a reformist actually win the Iranian presidential election?
Middle East

Could a reformist actually win the Iranian presidential election?

There is one moderate among a parade of hardliners contending to replace the late Ebrahim Raisi

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.
Middle East

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.

Tehran deserves to be admonished over its nuclear activities, but doing so now would be a strategic misstep

Middle East

Raisi’s death throws a wrench into internal Iranian politics

This could destabilize Iran further and complicate the showdown for electing the next supreme leader

Killing the Iran nuclear deal was one of Trump's biggest failures
Middle East

Killing the Iran nuclear deal was one of Trump's biggest failures

Six years after the US withdrew from the JCPOA, prospects for its resurrection are dim and Tehran is closer than ever to a bomb

Biden had a chance to undo Trump's mistakes. He dropped the ball.
Middle East

Biden had a chance to undo Trump's mistakes. He dropped the ball.

He squandered the chance to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, and instead doubled-down.