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Welcome to the defense death spiral
Military Industrial Complex

Welcome to the defense death spiral

At the current spending rate, in another generation we will have a lot of rich contractors and no aircraft or Naval fleets to speak of

Hurricane response: This is ‘national defense’

Hurricane response: This is ‘national defense’

The federal government is missing sight of real US priorities

Do venture capitalists want forever war?
Military Industrial Complex

Do venture capitalists want forever war?

These shrewd billionaire investors are jumpstarting today’s rising stars in defense. In a risky business, peace is against their bottom line

Military Industrial Complex

Pierre Sprey was the 'Fighter Mafia' wingman

Brilliant, sophisticated, and absolutely dogged in his criticism of the Pentagon 'self-licking ice cream cone,' his death leaves a gaping hole.

Military Industrial Complex

America's nearly $1.3 trillion national security budget isn't making us any safer

A shift in spending toward urgent priorities like addressing the possibility of future pandemics would be a far better investment in “national security.”

Washington Politics

Why are Democrats trying to bring back those porky military earmarks?

After 10 years of winking and nodding, the new Congress is close to lifting the ban on defense carve-outs for members.