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benjamin netanyahu

Netanyahu lectures Americans, makes case for ‘total victory’
Washington Politics

Netanyahu lectures Americans, makes case for ‘total victory’

'Our enemies are your enemies,' the prime minister insisted, setting up confrontation with Iran

Bibi's bullying visits to Congress never end well
Middle East

Bibi's bullying visits to Congress never end well

Washington will give Israel's Netanyahu whatever he wants, whether it's in America's interest or not. Who will say no?

Biden’s mixed messages to Israel are coming home to roost
Middle East

Biden’s mixed messages to Israel are coming home to roost

No ceasefire in Gaza, a looming war in Lebanon. 'Enabling' is no strategy for success.

Trump blasts Bibi but says US would 'protect' Israel against Iran
Washington Politics

Trump blasts Bibi but says US would 'protect' Israel against Iran

In wide-ranging mainstream interview, the former president remains characteristically ambiguous about his foreign policy

Biden's calls for Israel to mind the laws appear feeble, and ignored
Middle East

Biden's calls for Israel to mind the laws appear feeble, and ignored

Meanwhile, leaks about White House frustration seem entirely for domestic consumption and even then, miss the mark.

Are Israel and the United States on a collision course?
Middle East

Are Israel and the United States on a collision course?

For Washington, Netanyahu’s singular and relentless focus on military tactics represents a strategic nightmare.