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arab states

Middle East

Why Arab leaders aren't helping the Palestinians in Gaza

As the world watches, they see a number of powerful governments virtually on the sidelines.

Bahrain: The only Arabs to join US Red Sea task force
Middle East

Bahrain: The only Arabs to join US Red Sea task force

The Houthis are attacking in their backyard, but other Gulf state nations have their reasons for holding back

Syria's stakes in the Israel-Gaza war
Middle East

Syria's stakes in the Israel-Gaza war

The war is helping al Assad emerge from pariah status, but Israel's bombing and the threat of expansion poses serious threats

US ceasefire veto draws major backlash in Doha

US ceasefire veto draws major backlash in Doha

Arab leaders cite Western double standards and need for new global order to challenge status quo

The Janus-faced history undergirding the Israel-Gaza conflict
Middle East

The Janus-faced history undergirding the Israel-Gaza conflict

One's views tend to favor the East-West or North-South narrative, both steeped in a century of suffering.

Middle East

What would multilateral security in the Middle East look like?

Even with a new JCPOA guiding the way, the effort to bridge all of the conflicting interests and countries would be enormous.