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united nations

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.
Middle East

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.

Tehran deserves to be admonished over its nuclear activities, but doing so now would be a strategic misstep

What makes a UN decision binding?
Global Crises

What makes a UN decision binding?

Experts say the US is hurting its international standing by insisting that a recent call for a ceasefire in Gaza is 'non-binding'

Pressure on Biden for Gaza ceasefire appears to be working

Pressure on Biden for Gaza ceasefire appears to be working

The US allowed a UN resolution demanding a cessation of hostilities to pass, signaling that the president is starting to match rhetoric with action


Why US ceasefire proposal failed at UNSC

Russia and China vetoed language which did represent a shift for Biden — but the devil is in the details

Fixing the rules-based order: Start with the UN
Global Crises

Fixing the rules-based order: Start with the UN

The US must learn to walk the walk when it comes to international laws and norms. It can start here.

US should let Haiti reclaim its democracy
North America

US should let Haiti reclaim its democracy

Haitians have a history of coming together to resolve crises — Washington's meddling is just getting in the way