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space weapon
Global Crises

How the US made space more dangerous

Bush’s withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty led to an anti-satellite weapons proliferation boom

Not enough war on the ground, the US is taking it to space
Military Industrial Complex

Not enough war on the ground, the US is taking it to space

The military industrial complex is suiting up for a new arms race, far beyond the stratosphere

With timing of rocket blast,  Iran flexes muscles — in space
Middle East

With timing of rocket blast, Iran flexes muscles — in space

Escalation in the Middle East is coming from far above the Earth's surface

SpaceX, DoD want to send soldiers on spaceships for rapid response missions
Military Industrial Complex

SpaceX, DoD want to send soldiers on spaceships for rapid response missions

Elon Musk's space enterprise wants to transport U.S. troops to any point on Earth in less than an hour. But its sci-fi pitch doesn't hold up to scrutiny.


Can the US start cooperating with China — in space?

An obscure decade-old law has allowed the new-cold war mindset to migrate to zero gravity.