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Time to terminate US counter-terrorism programs in Africa

They don’t work, they don’t achieve the projected goals, they waste funds, and they are counter-productive.

Congress, don't shut down the chance to do the right thing on war & weapons
Washington Politics

Congress, don't shut down the chance to do the right thing on war & weapons

Proposals to bring foreign policy back in line with the Constitution and human rights are long overdue.

It’s time to embrace a ‘less-than-grand’ strategy
Washington Politics

It’s time to embrace a ‘less-than-grand’ strategy

The US would get into a lot less trouble abroad if it focused its attention a little bit closer to home.


How Kevin Roberts flipped the script at the hawkish Heritage Foundation

In a wide-ranging Q&A, this 'recovering neocon' says there's a way to support Ukraine — and confront China — without more war.

How the war in Ukraine has challenged left-wing restrainers

How the war in Ukraine has challenged left-wing restrainers

The Russian invasion has fractured this side of the ideological spectrum, putting values to the test. Can a consensus possibly emerge now?