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Is China's Xi era marked by primacy or something else?

Let's take a look through a historical, realist lens

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence
Global Crises

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence

We don’t need psychoanalysis or self-serving cheerleading about how ‘indispensable’ America is. We need sober advice on how to responsibly back off

Washington Politics

Calling 'liberal internationalism' what it is: American primacy

An essay aimed at taking down the 'Quincy coalition' and restraint has revealed the true face of global hegemony.

US primacy is a self-fulfilling threat generator
Washington Politics

US primacy is a self-fulfilling threat generator

If post-Cold War US foreign policy wasn’t intended to seek monsters to destroy, it is certainly created them.

Globalization and American security after the coronavirus crisis
Washington Politics

Globalization and American security after the coronavirus crisis

If the coronavirus pandemic leads to partial deglobalization and delinkage, the U.S. could, if it chose, resist the urge to attempt managing stability in far flung places.

Washington Politics

‘Never in my country’: COVID-19 and American exceptionalism

From the perspective of public discourse in the U.S., our globe-spanning, resource-draining military and security apparatus exists in an entirely parallel universe to the one most Americans experience on a daily level.