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pentagon budget

Military Industrial Complex

$200 billion more for the Pentagon?

This week in The Bunker: A new push to fatten up an already-bloated Pentagon and the soaring costs of vets' care

Dems slam military budget increases

Dems slam military budget increases

Republicans want to add another $150 billion to the DoD

Military Industrial Complex

Iron Dumb

This week in "The Bunker": US launches another futile effort to render itself invulnerable to 'all' overseas aerial threats

Military Industrial Complex

The Pentagon continues its sloppy shopping spree

This week in 'The Bunker': Why prices don't ever come down in the Pentagon; a 'green' nuclear bomber; the Navy's hopeful ship quotas, and more

Joe Biden
Washington Politics

Symposium on Biden's foreign policy: The good, bad & ugly

Aside from Gaza and Ukraine, what were the exiting president's best or worst moments? We asked a diverse array of historians and analysts.

Washington Politics

Biden's 'foreign policy for the middle class' was a bust

Why not call it what it was — a boon for arms industry executives — the one percent