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pentagon budget


DoD finds another $2B accounting 'error' to boost Ukraine aid

It will take more than a little budgetary sleight-of-hand to set the stage for a settlement

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'
Military Industrial Complex

Time to retire the phrase 'Military Industrial Complex'

Sorry Ike: it's a bit too dated and no longer the right moniker to describe what we're up against

Are budget boosters actually breaking the military?
Military Industrial Complex

Are budget boosters actually breaking the military?

They say we need 'overwhelming superiority' over adversaries with no measure of actually achieving it. Convenient

Will stock trade ban curtail DOD budget corruption?

Will stock trade ban curtail DOD budget corruption?

Lawmakers own stocks from firms that benefit from Pentagon contracts

That's militainment! Big Hollywood succumbs to the Pentagon Borg
Military Industrial Complex

That's militainment! Big Hollywood succumbs to the Pentagon Borg

Experts explain how 2,500 films and shows have been weaponized to promote war

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer
Military Industrial Complex

The US military chases shiny new things and the ranks suffer

We were told the Osprey, LCS, and F-35 were cutting edge, but they turned out to be boondoggles and deathtraps