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Global Crises

Who gets a veto is critical to reforming UN Security Council

Time to get creative — and not just in expanding permanent members

mohammed bin salman xi jinping

Everyone is 'multi-vectoring' — the US shouldn't be left behind

Regional countries are diversifying their foreign policy portfolios, leaning on Beijing, Moscow, New Delhi, as well as Washington

Brazil is showing us how to avoid a new cold war
Latin America

Brazil is showing us how to avoid a new cold war

President Lula da Silva demonstrates how to embrace multipolarity without turning his back on Washington


De-dollarization: Not a matter of if, but when

US hegemony is losing its grip, as friend and foe seek currency alternatives amid global sanctions and new Global South alliances.


For Russia-China, multipolarity is all about (usurping) the Benjamins

A flurry of diplomatic visits to Moscow and Beijing from Western leaders and the Global South suggest they aren't quite alone.