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Military officials:​ 'Widowmaker' Osprey will fly with a faulty clutch
Military Industrial Complex

Military officials:​ 'Widowmaker' Osprey will fly with a faulty clutch

At a hearing Wednesday, lawmakers said one more fatality under these conditions and the program is 'done.'

Military Industrial Complex

Are the Marines losing coveted relevancy in China battle space?

It turns out they made a play for a strategy based on the trends of the defense budget, not on operational reality.

Military Industrial Complex

Marines take fight to the sea, targeting China dollars

This isn't about seizing islands on the other side of the globe, but keeping territory in the Pentagon bureaucracy.

No satire: Army's 'multi-domain transformation' means business
Military Industrial Complex

No satire: Army's 'multi-domain transformation' means business

It's using China to compete hard with the Navy and Air Force for funds and relevance -- but without a real strategy.

Military Industrial Complex

Marine veteran: draft the elites — that'll end our wars fast enough

A draft of the upper income bracket might be the way to get Americans more engaged and more 'invested' in our conflicts overseas.