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liz cheney

Middle East

Loser Liz Cheney: We knew ye, and that was the problem

For 20 years she remained committed to using American power as a blunt force instrument, including torture and endless war.

North America

Never-Trumper neocons were hardly strangers to inciting mobs

Today's Bill Kristol and Liz Cheney forget their yesterday selves, when they were helping to stoke Islamophobia on the right.

Washington Politics

Liz Cheney knows a thing or two about lying

The GOP hawk may lose her leadership today, but her bloody record on war and torture should have disqualified her years ago.

Washington Politics

Does the left-right foreign policy alliance survive Trump?

It depends on what happens to the remnants of 'Trumpism,' and which Republicans take up the mantle of power on the Hill next.