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US general wants 'Marshall Plan' to counter China in LatAm
Latin America

US general wants 'Marshall Plan' to counter China in LatAm

SOUTHCOM commander raises good questions but should they be coming from the military?

60 years since coup, Brazilians call on US to declassify its role
Latin America

60 years since coup, Brazilians call on US to declassify its role

Washington was not only behind the putschists, but drew up plans for a possible invasion and sent a task force to support the military plotters

When the US helped kill democracy in Chile
Latin America

When the US helped kill democracy in Chile

50 years after a coup swept Augusto Pinochet into power, Washington’s role in the attack has come into focus.

Washington Politics

Our covert regime change wars

Poznansky's new book shows how the U.S. pays lip service to international rules while doing what it wants behind the scenes.