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Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'
North America

Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

As Kenya's President Ruto visits Washington today, concerns mount over U.S.-backed plan to quell violence in the gang-embattled nation

Watching US Cuba policy in the theater of the absurd
Latin America

Watching US Cuba policy in the theater of the absurd

Cuban-American lawmakers slipped new sanctions into a bill designed to keep the federal government open. The White House is no better

Is China really horning in on regional banks?
Latin America

Is China really horning in on regional banks?

US policymakers raise alarms at an international financial institution in the Americas

US ‘prepared’ to deploy troops to Haiti if necessary
North America

US ‘prepared’ to deploy troops to Haiti if necessary

American boots on the ground would only come as part of a multilateral effort, according to a top US general