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antony blinken

Blinken's sad attempt to whitewash Biden's record
Washington Politics

Blinken's sad attempt to whitewash Biden's record

By not acting with political and moral courage, this administration has actually failed abysmally on numerous counts

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

In 2021 the administration said it would pursue ‘relentless diplomacy.’ They call it something else today in Ukraine.

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Scolding, rebuking, sanctioning is having the opposite effect and the administration seems content with the results


Diplomacy Watch: Blinken in Kyiv, Full speed ahead

But as one journalist noted, 'None of that is (in) the cards at the moment as the devastated and depopulated country is struggling to prevent a collapse on the frontline'

Blinken rocks out on a road to nowhere

Blinken rocks out on a road to nowhere

The secretary of state delivered remarks to Ukraine this week that paint a rosy scenario defying reality

Blinken goes to China to maintain the illusion of stability

Blinken goes to China to maintain the illusion of stability

Washington and Beijing will have to do more than stand for photo-ops if they want to stave off the march toward conflict