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Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?
Middle East

Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?

Sanctions are making the people poorer, and frankly, Washington's competitors are already jumping into the breach

Strike warfare: An American fetish and a global scourge
Military Industrial Complex

Strike warfare: An American fetish and a global scourge

A common thread through recent history is that 'hellfire from above' doesn't really work

Military Industrial Complex

Why America fell out of love with its Army

A lack of truth and accountability tends to have a bad effect on trust, and as it turns out, recruitment, too

What veterans want you to know about the forever wars
Military Industrial Complex

What veterans want you to know about the forever wars

A moving new documentary offers an unflinching look at the US role in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Afghanistan delusions blind US on Russia-Ukraine

On the two-year anniversary of the Kabul withdrawal, if Washington forgets the war’s lessons, its mistakes are likely to be repeated.

Predictions of an Afghan ‘security vacuum’ were all wrong
Middle East

Predictions of an Afghan ‘security vacuum’ were all wrong

It was still shocking for many Americans to witness the swift collapse of a government that so many lives and tax dollars contributed to building.