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Jack Hunter

Tom Cotton Elbridge Colby
Washington Politics

For old guard & neocons, Colby is an 'America First' bridge too far

They call Trump's DoD undersecretary pick 'dovish' and 'isolationist' when what they really mean is that he's a threat

Festivus Rand Paul
Washington Politics

Rand Paul 'Festivus' grievances: US millions for Ukraine TikTokers

Some will go hungry this holiday but at least we’re fighting the PR battle in Eastern Europe

Kamala Harris Barack Obama
Washington Politics

Harris' aversion to talks with dictators is more Bush than Obama

Negotiating with adversaries is not 'cozying up to tyrants' as she suggested in her DNC speech

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance
Washington Politics

Neocons are melting down over JD Vance

Some of the reflexive militarism of Bush-Cheney era is fading and many Republicans are having a hard time with it

Congress moves to make Selective Service automatic
Military Industrial Complex

Congress moves to make Selective Service automatic

Raising the specter of the draft, this NDAA amendment seems ill-timed