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weapons industry

Lobby Horse

Think tanks are helping DOD dodge the DOGE

And they're doing it without disclosing their ties to the weapons industry

weapons contractors
Military Industrial Complex

Trump lifts ban on US weapons companies bribing foreigners

By freezing enforcement of the FCPA, he risks reopening the door for more corruption in the domestic arms industry

Military Industrial Complex

Getting out (in front) of DOGE

The DoD readies its non-sacred cows, fixed-price contracts are on the rise, Hegseth’s name change game & more

‘Goldplating’ — not speed — is the real problem in weapons acquisition
Military Industrial Complex

‘Goldplating’ — not speed — is the real problem in weapons acquisition

Contractors want 'streamlining' but taxpayers are getting rooked from all the gilding in design

Military Industrial Complex

Iron Dumb

This week in "The Bunker": US launches another futile effort to render itself invulnerable to 'all' overseas aerial threats

Rashida Tlaib

Tlaib: 'Our elected officials should not be able to profit off death'

The Michigan Dem torches her colleagues' weapons industry investments