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venture capital

NATO takes the plunge into the world of venture capital
Military Industrial Complex

NATO takes the plunge into the world of venture capital

The Alliance's gamble with big tech could spell trouble for global stability

military tech
Military Industrial Complex

How the Pentagon built Silicon Valley

The increasingly close-knit relationship the tech industry enjoys with the Defense Department is not a sudden development

Silicon Valley USA: Are these 'patriots' mere harbingers of doom?
Military Industrial Complex

Silicon Valley USA: Are these 'patriots' mere harbingers of doom?

Young, hot upstarts want to shorten the kill chain with AI weapons

How VC is busting the Military Industrial Complex — for its own benefit
Military Industrial Complex

How VC is busting the Military Industrial Complex — for its own benefit

Didn’t think there could be anything worse than the existing defense bureaucracy? This next-gen is a real killer.

Do venture capitalists want forever war?
Military Industrial Complex

Do venture capitalists want forever war?

These shrewd billionaire investors are jumpstarting today’s rising stars in defense. In a risky business, peace is against their bottom line