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Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?
Middle East

Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?

Sanctions are making the people poorer, and frankly, Washington's competitors are already jumping into the breach

Predictions of an Afghan ‘security vacuum’ were all wrong
Middle East

Predictions of an Afghan ‘security vacuum’ were all wrong

It was still shocking for many Americans to witness the swift collapse of a government that so many lives and tax dollars contributed to building.


What would it take to recognize the Taliban?

At upcoming talks, the UN must condition progress with verified compliance of the new Afghan government’s earlier promises.

Middle East

Pakistan's Musharraf, a GWOT figure whose death brings mixed eulogies

To many he was a double-dealing figure: providing assistance to NATO on one hand, offering sanctuary to the Taliban on the other.


14 months later: Five conclusions on Afghanistan withdrawal

The Taliban is still in charge and seeking international recognition. So is there any realistic way for the US to help move things forward?