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Washington Politics

I was there: Carter tried to put the human in Realpolitik

As a member of his National Security Council, I saw how the president built a team and rose to the challenges of the Middle East and Soviet Union

This week, NATO III celebrates itself

This week, NATO III celebrates itself

As thousands descend on Washington for a anniversary summit, we posit that the alliance is broken and sleepwalking into war


On 75th Anniversary, NATO is at a serious crossroads

It can continue a cold war trajectory by isolating and provoking Russia, or help end the war in Ukraine


Whose 'Stalingrad' will Bakhmut be?

Neither the Soviets nor the Germans intended to wage such an epic battle of attrition during WWII, but they were willing to. Sound familiar?


What if Ukraine had kept its nuclear weapons?

Some say Kyiv would have been in a better position today if it hadn't been disarmed following the fall of the Soviet Union.


The tragedy of Mikhail Gorbachev

He was called a hero for shepherding the end of the USSR and Cold War. But he would not survive Russia's ensuing societal rupture.