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Tom Cotton Elbridge Colby
Washington Politics

For old guard & neocons, Colby is an 'America First' bridge too far

They call Trump's DoD undersecretary pick 'dovish' and 'isolationist' when what they really mean is that he's a threat

Tulsi Gabbard confirmed as Trump’s Director of National Intelligence

Tulsi Gabbard confirmed as Trump’s Director of National Intelligence

This victory over her detractors is seen as a win for restrainers

Why the intel community needs Tulsi (but is too blind to know it)
Washington Politics

Why the intel community needs Tulsi (but is too blind to know it)

The Senate should be looking for someone who will question orthodoxy and government overreach — and she fits the bill

The Senate blocks 'poorly crafted' ICC sanctions bill

The Senate blocks 'poorly crafted' ICC sanctions bill

Experts warn that the legislation may inhibit cases that the US has supported elsewhere

Sen.Cotton on Tulsi: Don't 'impugn her patriotism or integrity'

Sen.Cotton on Tulsi: Don't 'impugn her patriotism or integrity'

Gabbard gets a boost ahead of tumultuous hearing on Thursday

Firing nuclear missiles from the pork barrel
Military Industrial Complex

Firing nuclear missiles from the pork barrel

Money and political influence play an outsized role in US military force posture, like the $141 billion Sentinel