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Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?
Middle East

Is it time for the US to recognize the Taliban?

Sanctions are making the people poorer, and frankly, Washington's competitors are already jumping into the breach

US presidential candidates pander, then produce failed Cuba policy
Latin America

US presidential candidates pander, then produce failed Cuba policy

The record shows that national interests, not political fortunes, should guide Washington's relations with Havana

Russia, China dump the dollar as Moscow announces new trade corridors

Russia, China dump the dollar as Moscow announces new trade corridors

The Kremlin is looking to reshape global commerce in an effort to dodge Western sanctions

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence
Global Crises

World leaders misdiagnose the US with a crisis of confidence

We don’t need psychoanalysis or self-serving cheerleading about how ‘indispensable’ America is. We need sober advice on how to responsibly back off

Latin America

Making fair elections a condition for easing sanctions is wrong

Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro broke a deal with Washington, but economic coercion is not going to make things better

How baseball can help repair US-Cuba relations
Latin America

How baseball can help repair US-Cuba relations

If Biden won’t revert to the Obama-era reproachment, perhaps he can at least offer to share some peanuts and Cracker Jacks