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persian gulf

Iran-Bahrain talks on horizon signal more sunset on US hegemony

Iran-Bahrain talks on horizon signal more sunset on US hegemony

Evidence that Washington can no longer dictate the order of enemies in the Middle East

How Ukraine remade the rules in modern Middle East politics
Middle East

How Ukraine remade the rules in modern Middle East politics

The Persian Gulf’s oil and staggering wealth make the region one of the highest-stakes playing fields in the world.

Middle East

Why Qatar's rise to Major Non-NATO Ally is not the best way forward

We have a good friend in Doha. But this status comes with new weapons and technology and will further cement the US footprint in the region.

Middle East

Testing the waters: Russia explores reconfiguring Gulf security

Russia hopes to blow new life into a proposal for a multilateral security architecture in the Gulf, with the tacit approval of the Biden administration.

Middle East

The return of Qatar

In just a few years, Doha has emerged from isolation and asserted its place in the region — and in Afghanistan.

Middle East

Afghanistan has lessons for the Gulf

Gulf states are likely to discover that they are stuck with a less committed United States. That reality will push them toward greater self-reliance.