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pentagon budget

Pentagon fails 7th audit in a row

Pentagon fails 7th audit in a row

The DOD has never passed the fiscal test. 'They should be humiliated,' says one Congressman.

Big tech isn't gonna solve our problems
Military Industrial Complex

Big tech isn't gonna solve our problems

A new book on 'transforming the future of war' ignores key questions about whether some military innovations are even necessary

$4000 soap dispensers on Air Force planes? Just you wait.
Military Industrial Complex

$4000 soap dispensers on Air Force planes? Just you wait.

Provisions in this year's NDAA would allow military contractors to gouge taxpayers even more

Popular YouTuber discovers how corrupt the Pentagon budget is

Popular YouTuber discovers how corrupt the Pentagon budget is

'The lawmakers get richer if we spend more money on defense'

US Congress
Washington Politics

Congress is crying wolf again on the Pentagon budget

‘Emergency’ funding in the DOD spending bill is a dangerous gimmick

GOP leader mulls higher taxes to fight multi-theater war
Washington Politics

GOP leader mulls higher taxes to fight multi-theater war

Mitch McConnell platforms DC insiders who want to vastly increase the military budget