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Abdourahmane Tchiani, niger

Niger's accusation of Western chicanery hits close to home

The latest spat between Niamey's junta leader and Nigeria reflects growing bad blood and the loss of US and French influence in the region.

Senegal Faye

‘Peacemaker’ Faye wins snap Senegal elections

The popular president has taken a different approach, tasked with warming relations with neighboring junta leaders

Is Nigeria using Russia as an excuse for bloody crackdown?

Is Nigeria using Russia as an excuse for bloody crackdown?

Moscow has benefitted from a series of coups and instability in the region but that shouldn't be a default justification

Americans go home: Both Niger and Chad yank the welcome mat

Americans go home: Both Niger and Chad yank the welcome mat

American troop withdrawals this week reflect growing anti-Western sentiment and associated strategic shifts

US to pull its 1,100 troops from Niger

US to pull its 1,100 troops from Niger

Turns out the junta wasn't bluffing, and after a diplomatic struggle, Washington is taking its drone base and going home

USAF whistleblower: US military at risk in Niger

USAF whistleblower: US military at risk in Niger

Service member stationed there says they are being essentially 'held hostage' while US diplomatic efforts founder