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multipolar order

Global Crises

Who gets a veto is critical to reforming UN Security Council

Time to get creative — and not just in expanding permanent members

US primacy is relegated to the sidelines at World Cup
Global Crises

US primacy is relegated to the sidelines at World Cup

It's not hard to think of the world's biggest sporting event as a microcosm of our turbulent geopolitics today.

The unipolar moment is over. When will the US get it?

The unipolar moment is over. When will the US get it?

These former Global South leaders don't mince words when it comes to America's diminishing leadership and the "rules based order."


US miscalculations are now legion — but what to do now?

Adaptation — to a multipolar world in which Washington doesn't always call the shots — is the first step.

Global Crises

When will we accept the reality of a new multipolar world?

It’s been difficult for traditional great powers, particularly London and Washington, to realize that they’re no longer calling the shots.


Biden’s anti-China ambitions: A reality check

China has already either surpassed the United States or is running neck-and-neck with it in certain specific sectors.