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The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)
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The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)

Swarming drones promise to be the latest unfulfilled and over-expensive weapons 'revolution' at the Pentagon

Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system
Military Industrial Complex

Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system

When will members of Congress who place shilling for special interests above crafting an effective defense policy face the music?

Ukraine War rips veil off of US weapons superiority
Military Industrial Complex

Ukraine War rips veil off of US weapons superiority

Many of the failures, including the HIMARS, have been due to their reliance on GPS

Imagine killer AI robots in Gaza, in the Donbas
Military Industrial Complex

Imagine killer AI robots in Gaza, in the Donbas

Drone swarms are only the beginning. What happens when they're truly autonomous and communicate with each other?

Tone deaf? Admin brags about 55% hike in foreign arms sales
Military Industrial Complex

Tone deaf? Admin brags about 55% hike in foreign arms sales

Washington's sanitized view of unleashing $80.9 billion in weapons on the world, especially now, is a bit curious

Is this the Middle East escalation we've been fearing?
Middle East

Is this the Middle East escalation we've been fearing?

New US strikes killed fighters while the DoD admits 52 attacks against its troops since October 7.