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Jordan’s Abdullah at White House, looking down the barrel of a gun
Middle East

Jordan’s Abdullah at White House, looking down the barrel of a gun

The monarch looked uncomfortable and deflected reporters' questions, as Trump reiterated call to clear out Gaza and force Jordan to accept a million refugees

Trump can't 'clean out' Gaza without destabilizing entire region

Trump can't 'clean out' Gaza without destabilizing entire region

Not only is forced displacement a war crime, but Arab monarchies, particularly Jordan, could collapse from the pressure

Jordan braces as Israeli annexation of West Bank looms
Middle East

Jordan braces as Israeli annexation of West Bank looms

Tel Aviv seems emboldened now to fully settle the Palestinian territory, setting off a new refugee crisis, and more

Middle East

Why Arab leaders aren't helping the Palestinians in Gaza

As the world watches, they see a number of powerful governments virtually on the sidelines.

Is the Gaza war destabilizing Jordan?
Middle East

Is the Gaza war destabilizing Jordan?

Amman is facing a delicate balancing act as Israel’s war on Gaza threatens to further inflame regional tensions

US troops should have left Syria and Iraq long ago
Middle East

US troops should have left Syria and Iraq long ago

A few thousand soldiers scattered in desert bases around a region increasingly hostile to their presence makes no sense