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Global Crises

Saint Augustine Hippo
Global Crises

Philosopher saints Augustine, Aquinas guide US grand strategy

Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance — all necessary for a policy of restraint

Trump's refugee ban is endangering US Afghan allies
Middle East

Trump's refugee ban is endangering US Afghan allies

The legal situation is unclear but veterans say the freeze on resettlement ops has already caused life threatening delays

What would happen if a Russian nuke detonated over your city
Global Crises

What would happen if a Russian nuke detonated over your city

Fires spread by hurricane force winds at temperatures hotter than the sun would consume everything and anyone for miles

 Live in Fear (1955)  Akira Kurosawa

Dr. Kurosawa (and how we can learn to fear the bomb again)

When did they stop making movies about nuclear armageddon?

Donald Trump

If Trump wants to 'denuclearize' then let's help him

Little noticed remarks from Davos should get more attention

us china microchips

Targeting China, Biden fires a big tech salvo at the entire world

The administration divides the globe, putting both friends and adversaries into tiers slated for new chip export restrictions