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european union

Zelensky Macron Trump

The Budapest Memo holds keys to ending the Ukraine war

Decades of broken promises have raised hard questions about whether new security guarantees can be upheld

Olaf Scholz Emmanuel Macron

Right and left populists bringing down Euro elites in 2024

Ukraine war fatigue coupled with economic woes and immigration concerns fueled a tide of revolt


European 'peacekeepers' in Ukraine? A horrible idea.

Trump and other leaders reportedly discussed the plan but it's a trial balloon that should be shot down immediately

McCarthyism, European style: The elite crackdown on Ukraine dissent

McCarthyism, European style: The elite crackdown on Ukraine dissent

Experts lambasted as Kremlin mouthpieces turned out to be right

Emmanuel Macron

Europe's center is not holding

The collapse of the government in France and the ruling coalition in Germany spells continued crises — and don't think war has nothing to do with it.

Western leader blurts out what was once taboo on Ukraine

Western leader blurts out what was once taboo on Ukraine

Some say ‘Finlandization’ is a peace option for Kyiv, one that Germany may be willing to sign on to