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Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system
Military Industrial Complex

Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system

When will members of Congress who place shilling for special interests above crafting an effective defense policy face the music?

Menendez took bribes to help Egypt get weapons: Prosecutors

Menendez took bribes to help Egypt get weapons: Prosecutors

The lawmaker, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, denied the wide-ranging allegations in a statement Friday.

'Fat Leonard' on the lam: the Navy scandal you never hear about
Military Industrial Complex

'Fat Leonard' on the lam: the Navy scandal you never hear about

Why has this military corruption story involving drugs, prostitutes, and a guy with an unforgettable nickname flown under the radar?

Washington Politics

Washington needs to do something about the UAE's dirty money

Putin and his cronies still find financial safe haven in the Emirates, which was recently added to a money laundering 'gray list.'


Biden can go to South Dakota if he wants to take on Russian oligarchs

The president’s plan to crack down on Putin’s cronies could have started years ago right here in the US.

How US arms sales fuel corruption around the world
Military Industrial Complex

How US arms sales fuel corruption around the world

The Biden administration has vowed to combat cronyism and can start by confronting the security sector.